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About us

As more people move into the Gillingham Pier/Chatham Waters area, the Church of England has sponsored an initiative for a small team to get to know and serve the people living in this area and create community which residents are at the heart of.

Terry Whittaker has been appointed, by the Bishop of Rochester, as leader of REACH at Gillingham Pier and he, along with a group of volunteers, are spending time in the area making connections with local people.
As Christians, the team believe an important part of sharing the love of Jesus Christ is about building relationships, socialising and helping to meet practical, social and spiritual needs. We currently hold two informal services a month, where all ages are welcome, but that is only a small part of who we are and what we do. Friendship and hospitality were key themes in Christ’s teaching, and the aim of the ‘REACH Team’ is to reflect those and encourage others to do it as well.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or ideas - all are very welcome!

Click this link to see the area that REACH at Gillingham Pier covers 

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